Smart Ideas for a 2 minute

Abdulla Nalim
2 min readMay 8, 2021

A Smart Robot for Covid-19

Now world fighting with the covid-19 virus and some countries more damaged with this pandemic. Still anyone cannot say when will this end and still not found a proper solution to fight against this deadly virus. Now humans have to live with these conditions and want to practice live with this pandemic. Anyway now the world using very powerful technologies. With the help of this technology, we can build any system using AI to protect or get cure from this pandemic.

Here from my smart ideas blog today I like to share with you about an idea called smart robot to caring the Covid-19 patients from the patient’s house. Today because increasing of patients some countries hospitals have no more facilities and beds to care the patients. Here our robot is always tracking the patient and always stay with him at that patient’s home. This smart Robot can check the patient’s heart rate, temperature and more and more and give those data s for the relevant hospital or doctor check this patients situation any time through a cloud based system. In addition, this smart robot will give advices, what want to follow and supply all for the patients while the patient in his/her bed. From this, the relevant doctor can get this patient’s data daily, through this smart robot can take PCR testing and give the result for the doctor, and can give saline and oxygen in sudden cases. Therefore, the patient no need to stay more on his time at the hospital and this help to prevent the Covid-19 for other peoples. Also that the patient can speak with the doctor about his situation through this robot. This robot also can predict in what situation like is the patient is critical or normal. If the patient suddenly in critical situation the robot automatically contact the hospital or doctor.

Likewise we can develop this more for more purposes in the future and from this people can control spreading this virus through hospitals and a good solution for the exceeding the number of Covid-19 patients in the hospital.



Abdulla Nalim

Computer Science undergraduate, Innovative idea generator